Paul, My Sweetie, My Best Friend

Created by Lisa 11 years ago
This is about Paul himself. The things I remember about Paul and I will always cherish are: I thought it was kind of funny that he loved the sea/water and boats but could not swim. He said when he tried to swim his feet would bang together so because of that, he did not swim. However, his feet were made for walking. I remember we walked 20 miles or so on the canal one time and when we both got back to his place, we both had blisters on our feet and quite tired. He googled the distance to see how far we went. I do remember that he wanted to walk till about 3 pm and I said around 2:30 pm to start heading back. We had started around 10:30 am that morning. I am sure we would have done couple more miles if we went till 3 pm for I realized if we kept on walking for another 30 minutes, we still have to walk back that same distance. We got back around 6:30 pm after stopping at a restaurant on the canal for dinner. Also, we walked Malvern Hills and when he took me to Aberdovey, Wales, twice, we walked a lot. Plus, anytime we did meet up, we usually went for a walk around his place or go to a park and walk. Usually after we walked based on if it was a Saturday or Sunday early afternoon, we usually stopped to have coffee and tea. I loved walking with him. His hair, he would literally get his hair cut every two weeks or so. I used to tease him by saying that his hair was getting to long and he needed to get his hair cut soon:-). He would also blow dry his hair which I know would have only taken 2 minutes to dry on his own. Paul said he had to blow dry his hair with a little bit of gel or his hair would not stay in the direction he wanted his hair to be. He had a regimen of how he blowed dried his hair after he had taken his shower and it only took him less than 2 minutes:-). His laugh. When he laughed, I laughed and it is hard to describe that laugh but it reminds me of the character from a US tv show, Welcome Back Kotter who had a funny laugh that was unique to that character. We used to watch the Big Bang Theory together when I visited him and when he laughed while watching that show, I did not laugh at the show, I laughed at his laugh because the sound of his laugh was too funny. I will miss that. Him wearing shorts. There were times he would ask me if it was okay to wear shorts instead of jeans or other pants. I always told him, wear what makes you comfortable but yes, he would have worn shorts 24/7, which he is doing now in spirt. I can picture him now walking the beach in Aberdovey, Wales. I will say when we did go out to dinner, he did wear jeans or another type of pants but to me he looked good in a anything. His love. When he loved, he loved. His heart was as big as the Grand Canyon as the way they would say it the US. If I ever needed an ear to listen, shoulder to cry on, arms to hug me, holding my hand when we walked or a kiss to welcome or say good bye, he was there to give me those things. He was not afraid to show a little public display of affection when we were out and to me any guy that can do that is a true and wonderful man. His love for Charlotte and Elizabeth. I remember when we first met he mentioned them and they would come first. I always agreed with him on that and because of his love for his daughters showed me what kind of man he was. He was and still is an amazing father and even though I do not have kids, I did understand if something came up with his daughters, they would come first not matter what and which it should be. Also, he would always talk about them with full of pride and love for them. Even though I only met them a couple of times during the two years that I knew Paul, but it seems like I knew them quite well for he would tell me what was going on in their lives every time we met, texted or talked on the phone. Plus I would ask about them as well for they were and will always be an extension of Paul. He did ask me what I saw in him after we have been going out a while and I really can not pin point one thing for there were many things about him that I loved about him. Also, he felt that he was not good looking but in my eyes he was and still is a very good looking guy. The picture that was used on his online dating profile and on his FB page, reminded me of Cary Grant. When I first saw that picture online, something in his face drew me to him and than of course his personalty. With Paul I could talk too him about anything and he would never be negative in what I said to him. His support, compassion, love and just being there are the greatest gifts that he gave to me and a very rare thing in a man. He will always be one of a kind son, brother, uncle, friend and amazing father and someone that can never ever be replaced at all!!!! I am sure there is more I can say about Paul and one day will add more to this site. Only knowing him for two years, I feel like I have know him all my life. Like I said on my FB page, it is best to know and love someone even if it was for a short while than not know or love them at all. Paul, you will always be in my heart forever and to Charlotte and Elizabeth, thank you for sharing your wonderful dad with me these last two years. It will be a gift I will cherish forever and ever. xxxx P.s. The picture of Paul and me, the necklace I am wearing, Paul gave to me as a Christmas present in 2010. I gave Paul a blue sweater that I bought in the states which he loved wearing and which I now have. Elizabeth and Charlotte find that sweater and gave it back to me. I can still smell him on that sweater. Also, one more note, his favorite candy bar was Butterfingers. When he knew I was heading back to the states, he asked if I could get him some for that type of candy bar is from the US and quite expensive to buy in England. I brought back a box that had 30 candy bars in them for him. Hopefully he shared:-). xxxx
